Tuesday, October 8, 2013

First P-day

hey everyone!!
today is my fist and only P-day here at the MTC. i am at the west campus of the MTC, and i am so grateful that i am. everyone here is so wonderful and nice. our teachers are amazing! my testimony has been able to grow so much. it has been hard, and we have alot of work to do even here. time management is so important. we are given between 2-6 hours of personal and companion study and planning every day. at first that was boring and hard to figure out how to use wisely, but now we find ourselves wishing that we had more. we have two investigators that we are teaching right now. their names are margaly and annie. they are wonderful, and so different in their individual needs. we pray for them every day, and both are steadily progressing. margaly has accepted the invitation to follow Christ and to be baptized and to receive the holy ghost. but the law of chastity seems to be holding her back. we hope and pray that we can help her make this important decision in her life. annie is very knowledgeable, and i think she believes everything that we have taught her so far. but because of family issues, she is also hesitant. but i can tell she wants to believe it, and she wants to follow her Savior.
i have been getting your dear elders, and also your packages. it is so nice to be able to receive mail every day. the cookies were amazing, and we all sat down and shared our food last night. i love the elders and sisters in my district. they are so wonderful and i have learned so much from them. elder Schoenfeld is my companion and he is great. i could not have asked for a better companion. his testimony is so strong, and he is the only member in his family. we have an elder in our zone who is the only member of his family as well, but he has only been a member for 18 months. he is so great. on Sunday i was asked to give one of the talks in sacrament meeting, and that was cool. it was on enduring to the end. you should read 2 nephi 31:20. it us a great scripture about enduring to the end. we have also been able to give three blessings so far, and that was way cool. we have learned so much about how the spirit talks to you, and how to listen. the biggest and one of the only ways to learn here is through receiving revelation for yourself and the others that you have keys over. the Book of Mormon and prayer are the two biggest ways to receive that revelation.
i have received my travel plans. i fly out the 30th at i believe around 7:00am. i don't have those with me, but i will mail you a letter with those details. i feel like i have figured out the routine now. the first days were so long and hard, but we have adjusted and have it pretty much figured out now. the days are flying by much faster now. 
thank you everyone for your prayers. 

Andy: i am so glad to hear that your date went well and that we are winning still!! kick but this week! the time will fly by, so use every moment to get better. you are amazing. pay attention in seminary. when you get here, you will wish you had every ounce of knowledge that you could get. i have had to study the doctrine so much. Be good and remember who you are and what you stand for.

Cris: good job in your game. good luck with this one. pull off a win for me. the advice above isn't just for Andy. it goes for all of you. and you better do it. you had all better have the book of Mormon read before i get home, or you leave on your mission. that will help you so much. i love it here, and everyone is so great. i hope you all get sent to this west campus as well. there is construction all around us, and everything is always changing. we do alot of walking, but it is good. the spirit that is here is so strong. its like getting to live in the temple. i miss you all too, and know i love you all. it is great here, and pretty fun. just alot of work. but it is all worth it.

Nate: decide now that you want to serve a mission, and go for it. heavenly father will prepare you. your strong. i know your doing great in football too, and keep up the hard work. do it for me. the ntc is great. i kinda wish i could stay here. we learn so much.

Paxten and Keasa: i love you both, and i hope your being good for mommy and daddy! that's so awesome that you are doing so good in school. i want you to help them read the scriptures every day, and say prayer every day too! be good, and i will see you in a few.

thank you dad! i know what you said is true about the priesthood. we have already been able to give three blessings. one of those i gave to our district leader. one was to a sister in our district that was just having a really tough time. and one to one of our investigators. the spirit speaks to us continually, and we have learned how to better listen and receive that revelation. thank you for the example that you have set for me. one of the elders really struggled with giving a blessing, but because of what you have taught me, i was able to do it just fine. thank you for that. you have done well, and taught me well.  

 i read i scripture in D&C 100. its verse two, and i really liked it, and it comforted me. its a great verse, and i know it is true. Sundays are so amazing for us. they are just as busy as the other days, but its also a day to re-charge. we were so tired Saturday, but Sunday came, and we were rejuvenated and l know it helped our souls. most amazing day of the week. also, margally came to Church with us, and she loved it. Sunday we mostly have meetings and alot of study time in our class rooms. we also meet with our branch presidency. 

p.s. margaly and annie are real people, but not real investigators. they are our practice investigators. but, to us they are real, and we love them the same. we rejoice in their good decisions, and are devastated by their bad ones and when they don't follow through with commitments.   its getting colder here as well, and i had to buy a sweatshirt. buts its a cool one! we are rooming with one other companionship and they are great. the one companion is our district leader. everything is working great. i had a pair of pants rip on the side, but the alterations department took care of it for me. there is a big group of about 16 of us who will all fly together and who are all going to Charlotte. they are all in our branch. my companion is going to new york city north though. thank you for all your love and support. i love you all, and ill write you next p-day. if you could get me Tanner Fonnesbeck, Trent Stucki, and Jarrod Cooks emails that would be great. 

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:05 AM
Hey Elder Jorgensen,
So I guess if your reading this its your first P-day! We all have a million questions but I know you don't have time to answer them all. I hope you have been getting our dearelder letters. Do you have your travel arrangements yet? I will send you a phone card this week. We need to know when to expect your call cuz everyone can't wait to hear your voice. If you have a lay over we can talk then too. Just need to know what to expect. :) So do you feel like you are figuring out the routine?

I'm grateful we could go to church today, even though it was hard without you, my spirit felt good. we got through it. I can see how each week we will look forward to that renewal more than before. It's nice to feel the spirit a little stronger. You are probably getting used to feeling it so much more.
I know you aren't the fastest typer and that you are limited on time, but try to give us all you can. :) It's true we really are hungry to hear from you, all of us.

We love you So very much- I wish there was a better way to convey it in a letter. We miss you every minute of the day but know so well this is where you should be. As I looked around church today and seen some of the men I know have served missions, I couldn't help but think Matt is going to Rock this! You will move mountains and touch so many hearts!! Keep working hard and know that we are praying for you always and Love you so much!!
WE Love you !!
Mom and Dad and Fam

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