Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dear Elder

Dear Elder Matt                                                                Sept 27,2013
WOW!!! you will Never know how great it was to get your email yesterday!. We all So loved getting to hear from you! Yep we are now one of the 80 thousand families that lives for and Email and p-day. :) You sound good and that is good. We knew it would be hard but in a good way. We are so glad you are learning to listen to the spirit and growing so much. Wow that is so cool. I read the scriptures and they are amazing. 2nd Nephi is one of my favorites. And D&C 100 was a very comforting read as well. Thank you! Your brothers all thought2-6 hours of study time was ALOT. but it sounds like you are using it well. They each loved reading a part in your letter just for them. Thank you. 
It will be great for you to fly with the others in your group. I hope there are enough phones for all of you to call. I'm glad the alterations department took care of your pants. Just take a picture of anything else and send it home so they can replace it. I'm glad they could fix it though. Speaking of pictures- I hope you are taking some. you will love that you have them later and we would love to see. I will send you another card next month and you can send a full one home. 
Your FB info still won't let me in. It says you changed the pass word 2 days before you left. Remember you were going to change it then changed it back? I think the computer never changed it back? I don't know. I've tried everything. If you can remember you can give it to me when we talk. 
Your investigators sound great! what a good thing to get to practice. And you are learning so much. 
We are learning too. 
Cris won again last night!!! 34-13 It was awesome! It is almost starting to feel normal to win. we are kind of expecting it. They need a win tonight. Last week through one gate they brought in $7900. They now have 2 gates at the field. That is a crazy amount of money! 
We are going to get wood tomorrow. It has been raining quite a bit lately and the high lands even seen some snow last night. Dad's a little worried about the mud and wet. but I hope it's okay.  UGGGGHH so not ready for snow. Ive been watching the weather in Charlotte since you got your call-it's supposed  to be 79 on Monday:) Enjoy! So I guess this will be your last dearelder letter. Since they don't deliver on the weekends and you will be gone on Monday. Wow! I pray you have enjoyed this part of your adventure and know that more joy awaits you on your next leg! You are and will be amazing. Just alot jealous we can't watch. :)  They are going to Love you!!
We Love you SO SO much!! Work hard as you are, and Brush your teeth. 
We love you!!
Mom and Dad and Fam

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