Wednesday, October 16, 2013


                                                                                     Written Oct 15, 2013
That is so cool that you can use Google earth!! My House is in between 5th and 6th street on Glenn. It is a little yellow house with a covered porch. Our church is the only LDS church in Danville, and it is a little ways away, but not too bad. We are on carshare, so every other week we have a car, and the other weeks the sisters in our mission have the car. it works out pretty good. Our car is so nice though! Its a VW jetta. 2013 and it only has around 2,000 miles on it! Its so nice! But we do bike and walk alot cause we only have 750 miles and our area is pretty big plus we have to go down to Charlotte this month and that is about 300 miles or so.

I'm glad that Sadie and Jori both got my letters! hopefully Amanda did too! haha. I was hoping I would get some letters from them today so that I could not have to wait till next week, but oh well.

That is sad to hear all of that about football this week. That stinks that we lost all of them this week, but I hope that they are able to work hard and to do really good this next week! I can't wait to hear how they do. It is something that I really look forward to each week is finding out how the football games went. I am always bragging about how well we are doing this year. that is so great!!  Alot of the people here are black, and their standard of living is very low. All of their homes are very small, and not very well taken care of. most of them do not take very good care of themselves either. Drinking and smoking are one of the biggest problems here. For example, we visited a man and his two brothers one day, and we had no desire to go into their home it was so bad. You could smell it from the stairs leading up to the house. One of them sat in a rocking chair on the front porch and he was drunk. The other brother sat next to him in his own chair. His name is Scott, and he is the one that we came to see. He doesn't live with his brothers, he just takes care of them. He is the only one with a job so he makes them food and basically keeps them alive. One brother I have still yet to seen yet because he is always in the house asleep because he is sick. I guess he has a giant abscess on his face that is really swollen and infected. Scott made him go to the hospital, and the doctor prescribed him just a antibiotic that would take care of it and if he kept it clean and took those, it would heal and be fine. but, he is always too drunk to go and get his prescription, and he can't afford it either because all of his money that he gets every month just goes to him getting alcohol and cigarettes. It is almost heartbreaking to see these people like this. So, I had an idea. before I left you gave me those Z-Packs so I thought I will give him one of these Z-Packs if he will promise us that he will be sober for one day and that he would read the Book of Mormon every day that he is taking these pills and and that we would promise him that if he would, that he would be healed and be fine. We would give him these pills if on one day he would be sober. Unfortunately, we talked to Sis. Craven about it and she said even though she would love for us to be able to help him, we could not give him the pills because it was too much liability. 

I am so excited about you running that 5K though!! you have no idea. I am so proud of you! that is so cool that you have been training, and I know that if you give it everything you have and put your trust in god you can do it. With god on your side you can do anything. their are so many stories in the book of Mormon and especially in the first 20 chapters of Alma that testify of this principle. Time and time again the righteous are taken to war with the wicked and even though the righteous are smaller, they have the lord with them and he preserves them for another day. They are always victorious in their quest because they have faith in their god.
 That is cool that Elder Thomas is a trainer. I know that it is possible that i
I could be a trainer after 3 months. it has happened before haha. but I know whatever happens the lord will prepare us for and he will help us rise to our calling. 1 Nephi 3:7 "and I Nephi said unto my father I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded for I know that the lord givith no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the thing which he hath commanded them" have faith that you can do it and do your best, and the lord will make it possible. That is cool that you are both in the Gospel Principles class. That is the class. that we go to every Sunday as well. Thank you for the pictures! That is so good to see all of that and it made me so happy! The way that you sent them was great!

 The clay family is so awesome. they remind me of our family and the Grover family put together. He is a firefighter. We were able to go out to their house for dinner this Sunday night with the sisters, and it was alot of fun. They have a son who is out on his mission right now, and he has been out for about a year. But he tore his ACL and lateral something else so he is coming him this next transfer. So, they are all getting ready for that and making their home into a little MTC so that he can stay in missionary mode and get back out into the field as soon as possible. He will also be called as a ward missionary as soon as he is released from being a full time one so he will come out with us quite a bit probably which will be good. They also have two other sons that are about Andy and Cris's age, and them a daughter about 7ish. They are a great family, and we have fun with them. We feel very loved by them.

I love you all, and i look forward to next Monday. work hard at home, and know that i will be working hard here. thank you for the package too! it was so great! I'm surprised that it got here so fast. haha but I love ya"ll and know that I'm proud of you. Thank you! 

Love, Elder Jorgensen

Matt's Farewell

Matt's Farewell was such a wonderful day. I was so excited for Matt that I couldn't even be emotional. I was nervous for him but excited. It was September 15th 2013. Our meeting started at 11:00. We actually got there a little early and many people we knew and love were already there. It was so fun to see all the people come to support Matt. We sat in the chapel and they had chairs set up like usual in the gym. 5-7 rows of chairs. By the time the meeting started the chairs were gone and they set up more and went to classrooms to find more. Our neighbor is the ward clerk and he said we had about 150 more people in attendance that day than usual. All of Matt's football coaches came. People who used to be in the ward but have since moved away were there. Family and Friends. Such Great friends!  So much love for him.   Matt spoke first and did a Fabulous job!! I just wanted to sit and soak up his spirit. I held it together very well till we sang "Called to Serve" at the close. It's been a couple years since I sang that song without tears and I expect it to be many more before I ever do again.  So many people to talk to afterward and I'm sure so many we missed. Then Lots of people came to the house to visit and eat. It was wonderful! The day was warm with a threat of  rain. So we were able to eat outside and the kids ran and played some football.  We figured about 130-150 people came over it was so great to talk and visit and share. So many Great friends!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Opening Matt's call

 Matt and Jarrod Cook
 You are Hearby called to:
 Serve in the North Carolina Charlotte Mission. He enters the MTC in Provo on September 18, 2013
 Andy, Cris, Danny and Marceen Ferguson, Matt and Sadie Marley
 Bishop and Tandy Sutton
Onda K and Heather Hayes
 Marceen and Danny and Adam Hayes
Jori Ball and Jarrod Cook
Danny and Matt
 Matt and Cris
Conner, Abby and Josey Grover
Matt and Sadie Marley, Tresa Sorensen
So on Sunday Evening, July 30th Matt invited some of his close friends over and some close ward members he wanted to share the moment with. Grandma Call was on Facetime. I bought a map a few days before and we had everyone guess where they thought he would go while we were waiting for every one to arrive. Matt guessed Atlanta Georgia. It was funny his Dad and I both guessed foreign.Matt had so many there to support him, So many that were so excited for him. Our family room was overflowing!
I had made pies for refreshments. It was a great time.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Before the Call

So in all my excitement to get this blog up and running I neglected to post about right before Matt's call came and his Farewell. So I will break it up in to two posts.
Matt submitted his papers on Sunday night, June 16th. It was Father's day. President Foster said it was taking about 2 1/2 -3 weeks to get calls back. We had a packed couple of weeks planned. We left late at night Thursday the 20th for Seattle with the 3 oldest. Matt drove to Grammy Call's with me that morning and she watched Nate, Paxten, and Keasa while we were gone. Couldn't have done it with out her.  It was better than I ever could have imagined. Shane and I had so much fun watching those 3 interact and be brothers. I'm so glad we made that happen and wouldn't trade those 4 crazy packed days for anything!
 This was right in front of Pikes Place. (They had all just gotten new Oakleys and wanted to show them off.) This was Matt's favorite place. I think we went there 3 times in 3 days. We seen all the levels and all the shops.
 This was at the top of the Space Needle. We bought the city pass so we went up in the day and at night. Oh how I Love these boys!!
This was in front of the Gum Wall. It was under Pikes Place. Gross but cool.
 We came home at like 4 am on the 25th and the boys left for Encampment at 8am. I left to get Nate and the kids that afternoon. On the 27th I got the mail and there was Matt's call. As I pulled the envelope out I thought to myself "his call will come in an envelope like this."  I had no Idea that's what it was. As I looked at it I knew I was holding sacred paper. I cried and called Shane. Not 10 min had gone by and Matt called. I couldn't believe it. He wasn't supposed to use his phone at Encampment and what was I going to say? I think it went something like this- M- Hey. Me- Hey whats up? M- hmmm is my call there? Me- what?  Aaaahhh How did you know? I just barely pulled it out of the mailbox. M-hmmm ok Pres. Foster just talked to me and said it left Salt Lake Sunday.  (WOW a week to issue and send his call. Heavenly Father totally knew where he was going. He just needed Matt to be ready.) Me- ok so when so you want to open it? Matt- well I have to work Saturday and won't be home till Sunday Morning, so how about Sunday evening? Me- yep I think that works best. Are you scared? M- a little. Me- ok see ya soon Love you. M- Love you too.

I wouldn't have traded that time before we opened his call for anything in the World!! It was the perfect place as a Mom. I knew in that instance everything was perfect, He was worthy and about to be a preparing full time Missionary for the Lord. But my world hadn't changed yet, I knew the moment he opened that call Everything would change. I loved the Lull!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pictures from the Mission Home

October 7, 2013
We think these are all the missionaries that came in with Matt.
                                                          This is Pres. and Sis. Craven.
                                            Elder Mathue Jorgensen at the Mission Home

Danville, VA

                                                                                           October7, 2013
I agree. I would have loved to talk more, but there were only three phones, and 25 of us flying to Charlotte. but its okay. at first I didn't really like it here, but I'm liking it more and more. i think the hardest part so far in not knowing anyone and trying to remember their names. I'm so bad at remembering names! President and sister Craven are so nice and wonderful! they love us all so much, and they are so spiritual. they are not only interested in making good missionary's, but making good men and women. one of their favorite sayings is "today, tomorrow, and forever" matter how hot it is outside, you should never roll your sleeves up. that's a today, tomorrow, and forever principal. I am in a companionship in Danville, Virginia. my companions name is Elder Latalu-lokeni. he is Samoan and he is from Utah. he is 25 and a great trainer. I have learned so much from him already! I haven't noticed the humidity too much yet. it has gotten a little hot during the day, but not too bad.
As for being prepared for this, I don't think you can really anticipate exactly what it will be like. not that that's a bad thing, its just different from anything you have ever done. the biggest thing that i think would help the most is to do everything in seminary that you can. Don't just read the Book of Mormon, but study it and know the stories and what are in it. a huge thing that would help them so much is to have all the scripture masteries memorized and to know where they are!! I think besides having read the Book of Mormon is to know those. When we go into someones home, or we meet someone on the street, we need to share a message that will help them with the problems they are facing in their lives. If we can do that through the book of Mormon we can more easily let the spirit touch them, and better help them. but if they have a question about faith, and we don't know that in Alma 32:21 it says that faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, we cant share that with them, and the spirit cant touch them. even though we are promised that in the very hour that we need it our mouths will be filled, if the spirit has nothing to pull from, how can it fill our mouths? 

and you will be happy to know that I have brushed my teeth every morning and night without fail! Also, my address is: 1609 glenn street, Danville Virginia 24540. we have a house to live in instead of an apartment :)

Thank you so much dad!! i love you so much!! That is so cool that they are starting that construction! where will the new ones be? in that torn up area kinda by your shop? and that is such a good idea for the heating! it sounds like a very conservative and useful use of their resources. will it generate alot of power? do you loose some of the effectiveness of the steam because of the turban?

Of course i think it is okay that you are doing this 5K thing! i think it is so cool, and it inspires me to do more! every morning we have workouts for 30min, and i don't really like doing that, but i have new found commitment to it knowing that you are working hard back home, i will work just as hard here to stay in shape and even when im tired or hurting, we will keep going and talking to people and spreading the truth. thank you so much for that!! i love you so much!! 

That is such a crazy firewood story, but that is so cool!! i cant believe that there is that much wood out back now! have they started to split and stack it yet? and yes, i can receive and sent pictures. i would love some of those pictures! 

thank you all so much for all of your prayers and everything headed my way! its so nice, and i love you all! its been slightly discouraging because i went on two exchanges my first week here in Danville, and it seems like thus far we having accomplished anything yet. i haven't even taught one lesson yet. our area in kind of dead right now, and we have no progressing investigators. but that's okay, don't worry. that just means that we have a lot of work to get done, and lots of people to talk to. Elder L and i have both made it our goal to kill it this week! we are going to work hard and help the spirit bring at least 10 people unto Christ this week! I'm so excited to finally be able to get to work this week, and feel like we are actually getting something done. i read the account of President Hinckley, and how he wrote home and said that he felt like he was wasting his time and his dads money but his dad said "forget yourself and go to work, and that was really good for me to hear. its time for me to forget myself and go to work.

Love you all!!
Elder Jorgensen

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:13 AM,
Hey Elder Matt,
Boy it was so great to talk to you this morning! 9 minutes wasn't enough but I guess 90 wouldn't have been enough either. It was good to hear your voice. Paxten and Keasa loved talking to you as well. Your brothers were still asleep and there wasn't time to wake them, but we had talked the night before and this morning, They send all of their love and support. They were glad to here you sounded good and were excited.  I hope you loved flying. Paxten wanted to know how big your plane was. I told him it was huge. :)  Well your there now, a full time Ambassador of the Lord starting the service you have been prepared for. You will be Amazing!! We hope the next year and 11 1/2 months go by as fast as the last week did for you. ;) You will have to tell us all about the Mission home and Pres. Craven and his wife.  I'm sure they are nice. Are you in a companionship or a 3some? who is your trainer and where is he from?  Hows the humidity? Send us an address where we can send mail and packages ASAP.
Talon's farewell was yesterday, we went.people love you! He did a good job
So I forgot to ask you about your FB while you were on the phone. I would still like to clean it up and  check it for you. I don't know if you can remember what the new password you entered was or if you'll have to reset it. The thing is you can't access that email account to do anything. So I guess just let me know what you can that would be Awesome!!  
EmojiThe game Friday was good we kind of told you about it on the phone, I want to give you all the details you want without making you homesick or feeling left out. Cris's senior year when you are here is going to Rock! Rigby is going to stay on top for awhile. We didn't play as well as we had the week before but the attitude has changed to a win no matter what instead of we can't pull this off.  "So what. Now what" is really making a difference. Refs, bad plays, so what, now what. Andy says the over all attitude of the players is better. they pick each other up and are better friends on and off the field. The score was 21-19. Drew Zagula carried the ball well and got one touch down. Hayden and Landon Larsen connected a few times a couple were Very pretty. 2 were  TDs.  Century had 2 or 3 quarterbacks. one could scramble, one could pass and one to hand off. it really kept our defense on its toes. But Norm totally handled it. We blocked a couple of PAT's and a crutcial punt. It was 18-19 at this point.  on the final drive Hayden put the ball in the middle of the field so Alan Caudillo could kick a field goal Then we drew Century off sides. so instead of kicking 27 yards they moved 5 yards closer. He nailed it no problem. It was also Alan's birthday! cool present! There was about 2 min left on the clock then so we defended 4 more downs then just stalled the min that was left. Hayden ran for 56 yards and completed 14 of 22 passes.  So this week we play Madison should be a good game- they are yet to win. Ririe got beat by firth last week 59-7. Their new coach isn't working out so well. ;)
I F beat Skyline in the emotion bowl 44-22. IF is really good this year. Bonneville is the only other team at 4A that is really good this year.  Blackfoot doesn't have much either.
Saturday we went and got wood. We went with Sorensen's and it was kinda fun. We filled Doug's big trailer then got about 3 rows in Floyd's dump trailer. There isn't much dead stuff left up there. We went a little further up than before and a lot of the land on one side is privately owned. And a mile or 2 further you run out of forest. it is just open ground and hills. We were suprised. So next year we will be hunting for a different place to go. But while we were waiting for Dad and Doug to fall a couple of trees, a guy drove up and said he had some ground on the other side that he was clearing an we could have all the wood he had already cut and didn't need. So Dad finished and Doug went and cut up about 1/2 a cord. Then the guy told them he would be back next week end and he would haul out all we wanted to cut. So we are going back up  this weekend to try and fill both trailers with some that's a little easier to get.  See blessings are already coming. ;)
Mrs. Thurber said to tell you Hi and that you did a Great job training Raina. She said they are in good hands till you come back. :) Emoji
I guess I'm walking/running my first 5K with Aunt Kara in 2 weeks. Think I can train as fast as you did?? ;0 I'm not a runner, as you know, but I told you before if you can do hard things so can I, and this is a Stretch for me! But I really hope to get better.  We are so Proud of you!! Emoji
I'm excited for conference this week end. I find it hard to believe that it was a year ago that Pres. Monson made that historic announcement that changed the age. And now look you are already serving. Wow what a difference a year makes. I find it a little exciting that you are out right now and that I have a piece of the almost 80,000 servants of the Lord. AMAZING!! and Awesome!!
I know your time is limited and I don't want to suck it all up with you reading. We are all fine. Love you so much. I hope your brothers get their emails off before your p-day. Can't wait to hear how you are and all about your first few days. Have you heard from others?

We Love you so much and pray for you every minute of  everyday! You are never far from our thoughts. Work hard and Brush your teeth! We Love you So much!
Mom and Dad and Fam  Emoji

FB nightmare

                                                                                                              October 3,2013
So, i cant remember what i changed my facebook password to. I've spent like the past two days trying to think of what it might be, and i have tried so many things. can you think of it? and ideas or hints would be great! i thought i wrote it down somewhere by the computer for you maybe? idk. i would reset it, but because my facebook is connected to i cant access that email any more, therefore it wont let me do anything. thanks so much! talk to you Monday.